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Wednesday 25 March 2020



By now,Quarantine is being followed to protect ourselves from CORONA Virus. I am fed up of hearing the word CORONA. Also, i get angry when i hear that word. So, in this post i will be using the term VIRUS instead of CORONA VIRUS.

As most of the country is shut down due to Virus, Metros, Trains, Buses and Trams don't really serve a purpose anymore. As to the visions of many to imagine India in 2020, it is not relevant to say that India has to be developing, as the country is mostly literally shut down. Children receive online classes, IT staff work from home, not to mention Bankers, also Railways and Airports are closed and people need to be safe in their homes. 

Similar is the condition of Mass Rapid Transit systems across India. Most of them have completely shut down or operate only during peak hours and only allow people engaged in essential services. If you see the news(which i don't as i am annoyed of hearing the same thing), you will see the talents of the police when they try to keep the people in their homes. Many metros including Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai have completely shut down. 

Currently, many metro trains and stations are being sanitized to increase hygene and stop the spread of any virus. Being bored while staying home is not the case you want to be in. You can do things that you thought of doing but didnt have time whilst staying home. Also, do not trust any forwarded messages in Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram etc. 

This post was a more of spreading awarness(which is not required anymore, you go and say that you have Virus to someone, they will try to never see you again) to people.  Comment down below if you are also annoyed of hearing the word CORONA over and over again. (I am sorry if you are one of them as i made you read it 5 times). Thank you for reading this post. 

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